Nosilia Association
Nosilia Association is an independent nonprofit organization whose main goal is to provide free medical treatment at home and health services to the fellowmen belonging to susceptible population groups. Its mission is to implement programs to help patients and their family members improve their life quality.
In April 2020, our Foundation made a grant to Nosilia Association. Nosilia focuses on the provision of healthcare services at home for patients with chronic diseases, especially the elderly. The COVID-19 pandemic raised the number of new requests for healthcare significantly. At the same time, a large part of its annual budget is reserved from events, such as bazaars, excursions, cultural and scientific events. Because of the Coronavirus, the Association was not able to run the events it had planned. Without the support of our Foundation, Nosilia would be forced to pause its activities, a fact that would have severe impact on the health of its patients.
Utilization of donation
With this donation, Nosilia will be able to ensure the smooth operation, the project management and the preparation of the new pilot program e-Health Care in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The actions that will be implemented with the donation are the following:
- Home healthcare program
- Training of caregivers / family members
- Call center operation
- Telephone counseling guidance and social support
- Social Warehouse Operation
- Volunteer Management
- Communication and Fundraising
The above actions will be implemented with the employment of 3 employees and with the support of Nosilia’s volunteers.
The pilot program includes Telecare of elderly patients with chronic diseases aimed at preventing, protecting their health and staying at home. Very briefly the program will work as follows:
A nurse will visit the elderly at home, take their history and perform measurements using special devices and tablets with telemetry application. The data will be automatically transferred to a special online - Digital Clinic that we will create in collaboration with the Provider, where it will be available for diagnosis, editing and storage by authorized health professionals. Nosilia’s goal is to attract additional sponsors to support this new venture.