In May 2022, our Foundation sponsored incommon for the creation of the pilot project "Close the Food Cycle".
Incommon is an environmental nonprofit that encourages the adoption of a circular economy as a way of life with respect for nature and people. Through participatory and creative projects, it demonstrates how we can utilize available resources (both natural and non-natural) in our daily lives, fostering harmony among individuals and with the environment.
Innovation, circularity and openness are key elements of incommon's work and its effort to put the circular economy into practice. Because caring for our environment and sustainability concerns us all, without exceptions and exclusions.
Utilization of donation
The problem around improper management of organic waste is multidimensional and our individual environmental behavior as citizens determines a very large percentage of the overall burden. Organic residues in Greece constitute 40% of all Municipal Solid Waste, while each inhabitant of the country wastes 196 kg per year (IOBE, 2015) of food.
The objective and the means for the effective operation of any system of sound urban waste management is to be found in information, education of citizens and active involvement.
This is where the pilot "Close the Food Cycle" comes in. The project seeks to co-create with the Municipality of Papagou-Holargos the appropriate tools for the effective management of food residues. It aspires to achieve the gradual behavioral change of all involved parties (Municipality, citizens, local businesses) towards the food waste and the formation of a new recycling habit through the brown bins.
The project invests in human capital and strives to be both environmentally and socially sustainable. Sustainability is ensured by the practical habit / behavior change of those involved in organic waste management. Furthermore, enhancing the cohesion of the local community through a common goal for its benefit cultivates active citizenship in matters of day-to-day issues beyond waste management.
The long-term goal is for no food waste to end up in the landfill again and for this project to be successfully replicated and implemented in other food waste ‘streams’ and -most importantly- in other Municipalities, consolidating the values that are cultivated in more and more citizens.