Aegean Cargo Sailing
Aegean Cargo Sailing is an initiative managed by the social cooperative enterprise Aegean Sails that is establishing maritime transport without fossil fuels in the Aegean and the Mediterranean, combining the sailing transport of Greek local products with agro-ecological, culinary and cultural tourism.

Introduction & utilization of donation
In January 2023, our Foundation prolonged its funding to the Aegean Cargo Sailing with a second grant, for the core activities of the organization.
Aegean Cargo Sailing is doing a marvelous work towards ensuring the interconnection of the Aegean islands with each other and the ports of the western Mediterranean, transferring Greek products with the use of alternative energy sources, thus contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in maritime transport.
Through this practice, a paradigm of limited or zero carbon footprint transportation and interconnection system is created, with the ultimate goal of its proliferation and establishment as a clean, environmentally-friendly transport model. At the same time, the productive potential of the islands is strengthened thanks to the creation of new markets and the marketing of sustainable Greek products and services.
Important milestones were achieved in 2022. Indicatively, the Pelago sailboat was converted to solar-electric and sailed with zero carbon footprint in the Aegean and the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Porto di Roma, a route of 3100 NM, passing the first energy autonomy test.
For 2023, new goals are to be conquered from the Aegean Cargo Sailing team:
- participate in research and innovation in the field of climate change and sustainable development, within the framework of European Programs and in close collaboration with Greek and foreign universities and other orgs.
- optimize the Pelago sailboat and integrate it into cargo vessel exclusively, making round trips in the Aegean to transfer Greek products.
- increase the fleet by a second bigger sailboat, in order to serve the network more quickly and efficiently and to double the frequency of routes.
- expand the stakeholders’ network in the supply chain of the products (small producers, organic farmers, organic and ecological markets, fair trade grocers).
- implement the Aegean Cargo sailing tours in the summer, allowing guests to experience a unique gastronomic & cultural adventure in the Aegean.
- initiate educational actions to schools, agri-food units and cooperatives through the Good Food Good Farming program, in cooperation with Slow Food.