Fashion Revolution Greece

Fashion Revolution Greece is part of the Fashion Revolution Global activism movement that mobilizes citizens, brands, and policymakers through research, education, and advocacy. FR works towards a global fashion industry that conserves & restores the environment and values people over profit.

latest grant
Linked SDG
Responsible Consumption and Production
Program area
Education and Youth Development
Main contact
Fiori Zafeiropoulou


In March 2022, our Foundation was happy to support Fashion Revolution Greece (FR Greece) with the funding of its latest project, the Fashion Revolution Summer School (FRSS).

FR Greece is a member of the Fashion Revolution Global movement that was founded in the wake of the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013.

FR consists of people who make the fashion industry work; designers, academics, writers, business leaders, policymakers, brands, retailers, marketers, producers, makers, workers, and fashion lovers.

They act for the elimination of human & environmental exploitation in the fashion industry, safe & dignified working conditions and living wages for all people in the supply chain, a culture of transparency and accountability across the value chain, an end to throwaway culture and shift to a system where materials are used for much longer and nothing goes to waste.

About the Fashion Revolution Summer School

FR Greece is joining forces with Athens University of Economics & Business Management Science Lab, FR USA, and global Education Institutions to offer the first Fashion Revolution Summer School (FRSS) focusing on global fashion game-changers and newcomers.

The program appeals to those who want to acquire the novel skillset and tools of sustainable and circular fashion while accessing critical research and networks necessary to thrive as fashion revolutionaries. The launch of the first-ever FRSS will take place in Greece during the summer of 2022 and will include a 3-weeks Professional Certificate Program (for professionals) and 3-weeks Accredited Program (for students).

FRSS will be delivered by global experts in the sustainable, circular, and ethical fashion and textile fields and will be created around a holistic experience of sustainable living and the coalescence of future practices within the fashion and textile industries.

To read more details about the FRSS 2022, click here.

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