In Spring 2024, the Ecogenia team will again be putting boots on the ground to lead their first disaster management pilot. This project will combine ecotourism program impact (trail maintenance and revitalization work) with disaster management (wildfire fuel reduction, fire breaks, community engagement). Litochoro will serve as the homebase for the project and will include work in the foothills of Mt. Olympus National Park.
Ecogenia’s next cohort members will be equipped with the essential skills in order to support local efforts in ecotourism infrastructure projects, as well as implementing community-based disaster preparedness and prevention.
The program is part of a strategic partnership with the U.S. Embassy Athens and in collaboration with the California Conservation Corps and the Dion-Olympus Municipality. For the month of November, Ecogenia has set out to raise €15.000 through their #PathToOlympus campaign. Every contribution, big or small, will take them closer to their goals for a resilient Greece and a protected Mt. Olympus!