Completion of the "Close the Food Cycle" project at the Municapality Papagou-Holargos

After 7 months of ongoing activities, InCommOn's “Close the Food Cycle” project at the Municipality of Papagou-Holargos came to its end.

During this time, the InCommOn crew has been spreading the message of organic waste behavioral change through a series of actions, such as: workshops, awareness actions and campaigns, community building activities at neighborhoods & playgrounds, meetings with businesses, and more.

The project involved all parties of the local community (citizens/households, businesses, schools, Municipality) and its objectives were to:

♻ inform and engage the community about organic food waste and the correct use of the brown bin.

♻ develop tools so that the Municipality can continue the project and adapt it to other streams of recycling or increase the intensity of actions in the field of organic food waste.

♻ create a pilot system that can then be adapted and implemented in other Municipalities.

July 15, 2023

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