Blue Greece: An Open-Source Hardware Collective working on Libre Water

Meet Simon Meyer, Spyros Nompilakis and Tom Dietel: the fellowship of Blue Greece!

In the arms of P2P Lab, this team of three started off by creating Blue Greece; an Open-Source Hardware Collective working on Libre Water, collaborating with a community between Germany and Greece for solar drinking water systems that can be designed globally and manufactured locally.

Its mission is to overcome the limitations of linear innovation and build a trusted and engaging Open-Source Hardware ecosystem for globally holistic innovation in Small-Scale Solar-Powered Desalination that is affordable. So far, the team has designed Acraea – a Small-Scale Solar Desalination and Water Purification Prototype. All related info & videos around it are shared at this link.

Acknowledging the importance of Open-Source Hardware, its democratic principles and the ways it can benefit the world, we sponsored the kick-start of Blue Greece.

April 10, 2023

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